Health & Tips

Health & Tips > 7 Causes of Hair Loss

7 Causes of Hair Loss

The average hair loss are between 50-100 strands per day, even up to 150-200 in some cases. Whenever the hair loss more than 200 strands there might be caused by;

1.Hereditary-pattern baldness is the most common cause of hair loss but mostly noticeable in men.

2.Spot baldness or Alopecia areata is considered an immune disease. The exact cause is still unknown.

3.Hair loss by hair pulling.

4.Hair loss by fungal infection.

5.Hairdressing causes hair loss.

6.Medication and radiation cause hair loss.

7.Hair loss by some diseases e.g. SLE.

Whenever being avoid the cause of hair loss, the hair would be recovery. If the symptoms do not improve should see the doctor.


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